Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
If you’ve been trapped in your own self-sabotaging patterns, you can lose yourself as you fall under the weight of stress and difficult emotions that can hold you back from living the life you want. If you are ready to finally end the cycle of...
- procrastination
- arguing
- disorganization
- emotional eating
- running late
- living paycheck to paycheck
- people pleasing
- a hurried lifestyle
- or any pattern that you just haven't been able to stop
...then join me in my upcoming 4-week online workshop so you can get out of your own groundhog's day. Your tomorrows don’t have to look like your yesterdays!
Discover how to turn your patterns into pearls of wisdom.
Believe it or not, your patterns are part of your evolutionary process. They are here to help you gain the wisdom so you can grow and evolve. Whether a pattern has been around for 5 months, 5 years, or your entire life, by gaining the wisdom your pattern is here to bestow upon you, you can change the trajectory of your life path.

Once a week, you'll join me online for a group coaching call where we will break down your patterns so you can break free from them. Below are the topics we'll be covering during each call:

Get to the root of your patterns by finding their source.
So much of what drives your behaviors and ways of thinking is what has been impressed upon and lives in your subconscious. You'll learn how to tap into your subconscious so you can lose the programming that's been driving your limiting patterns.

Shift the energy holding your patterns in place.
Emotions are powerful and they are what fuel your patterns. As your emotions increasingly power up your patterns, your resistance increasingly powers up your emotions - keeping you caught up in a vicious cycle. You'll learn how to let go of both so you can clear the way for your pattern to shift.

Discover what your patterns are here to teach you.
As in school so in life - if you don't learn the lesson you have to repeat the class. You'll graduate from what this pattern is here to teach you so you can gain the wisdom to grow and evolve.

Liberate yourself as you leave your patterns behind.
Say goodbye to those self-sabotaging patterns that have been holding you back. You'll create a clear vision and path to a new way of living without your pattern getting in your way.
By the end of this workshop, you'll have the tools and resources to create the mindset, emotional well-being, and action necessary to finally put an end to those pesky patterns that have have been ruling your roost.
Let's talk about RESULTS for a second:

My client Natasha shares, "Thank you so much for this program. Every time we work together I get some sort of a breakthrough. This one I didn't even think was possible, but I feel empowered yet again. You helped me understand hunger and the psychological part of losing weight. I am already down 8 pounds!"

My client Alex found her passion and discovered her calling by moving past her blocks and releasing her anxiety that she carried as a constant tightness in her chest along with sleepless nights. "Lisa truly helped me transform my life as I now experience joy, creativity, abundance, and love. She showed me how to ‘unpack’ all my various issues and limiting beliefs, and how to stop resisting and start embracing what was going on within me."

My client Sondra achieved true happiness by discovering who she is by healing emotional wounds that were controlling her life. She accomplished this after having felt lost and struggling with who she was and her purpose in this life. "What I have accomplished doesn’t just happen inside me anymore, it’s something that transcends me. The people I’m able to effect because of what I’ve learned from Lisa is profound. There is no better way that I have found that people can empower themselves by cleaning out the ‘junk’, which we all have.”
And the list goes on and on. I've spent 14 years coaching people just like you. The only question you need to ask yourself is “Do I want to take action NOW to free myself from the patterns that are holding me back?"
If the answer is YES, I would love to help you get these kinds of results and I’d like to help you get started in my upcoming online workshop Break Free from the Insanity!

Here’s what to do next:
Make a decision today, why wait? You already know how that turns out; you forget, life gets in the way - again - as your patterns continue to get more and more of your power.
The workshop details are as follows:
Wednesdays, March 4 - 11 - 18 - 25
3:30pm-5:00pm PDT
Only $697 $497
(special launch pricing saves you $200)
Limited spaces available.
So if you're ready to roll up your sleeves and get busy, please don't hesitate to claim your spot today.
That’s it! Just click the button below.
This could be the BEST time you have EVER spent working on your life and YOU!