75% off

Online Group Coaching

To assist during these challenging times!

We are entering into a whirlwind of change during these trying times.

In general, most people resist change because of the unknown factor. Well, we are headlong into a global unknown factor and change like we’ve never seen before.

You may be experiencing anxiety, fear and a sense of powerlessness around the coronavirus and how people are reacting to it. Just know that you’re not alone. These emotions can be all encompassing, about your own life and the lives of those you care about.

When you choose to lead with your fear, the choices you make do not always serve you well. And yet, there are definitely actions that need to be taken to deal with the reality of today’s pandemic and panic.

This is what one of my clients shared with me today, "This is what you've been preparing me for!"

Even though I educate and assist people in how to deal with the everyday stresses of life, the more you are skilled at dealing with those - the more you're prepared for critical times when they come into your life.

Those who remain level-headed and can manage their emotions effectively will greatly aid in moving through this experience with the greatest outcome.

This is why I’ve decided to create a special online opportunity to offer you support you at this time. Online group coaching provides a space that is safe and can assist you if needed.

Over the next month or so, I’ve decided to greatly reduce my online group coaching to make it as affordable as possible for you. I normally provide this service for $200 per group session, but to assist you in getting through the thick of this experience - I’m offering a savings of $150, a huge discount of 75% off!

This brings your investment to only $50 per week.

Here’s what to expect:

  • You will be given support in how to deal with your emotions that are coming up during this time.
  • You will learn the I.C.A.R.E. Approach - a process to effectively manage your fears and emotions that you can use now and well beyond today’s turmoil.
  • The group will be interactive where you can share, ask questions, and get the guidance you need right now.
  • You will connect with a community that provides encouragement and support, and reminds you that you are NOT ALONE!

This will be a very limited-time offer (hopefully, for everyone’s sake). If you would like to take part in this opportunity, see the detail below:

DATE:  Wednesdays beginning March 25th
TIME:  4:00 - 5:00pm

(If this date/time does not work for you, please contact me about additional times offered)

Your investment is
$200/week  $50/week


This is a weekly autopay plan that can be cancelled at any time.

702-254-7730 | lisa@lasvegaslifecoac-dsjamp2i1.live-website.com | 5980 S. Durango Dr, Ste 113-114, Las Vegas, NV 89113