Hi, I'm Lisa
As an empowerment life coach and author, I help individuals like you work through the challenges you are experiencing, whether it's current life events or challenges that have existed throughout your entire life.
Where do you want to be?
Steven Covey was one of the most influential leaders of our time and author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The 2nd habit is, “Begin with the end in mind.” Imagine being at the end of your life, where do you want to be? What do you want to see as you reflect back on your life?
What if…
you feel you’ve done it, you accomplished what you came here to do?
you’re resolved with every relationship in your life, forgiveness had replaced bitterness, and you had loved and been loved deeply?
you look back with the satisfaction that your life had been a full and rich experience?
What if… today you start living your life on purpose; by design, not default?
Are you done battling with the challenges of…
self-judgment and self-inflicted punishment that continually feeds the program of not being enough?
holding back from expressing who you are or what you really want to say for fear of being judged or hurting someone’s feelings?
repeating self-sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck from achieving all that you want in your life?
Are you ready to ignite your life?
Are you ready to transform your life from having no clarity, growth, or inner peace, to one of harmony, connection, and fulfillment. To achieve this it takes a strong mindset, emotional well-being, and progressive action, so you can gain greater self-awareness, heal emotional wounds, and break through your self-sabotaging patterns.
Are you ready… to set free who you’re destined to be?
What I offer depending on where you are in your life!
Online Parenting Masterclass
Create more connection, foster personal growth, and build a stronger bond with your child through personality awareness in just 6 weeks!
Imagine experiencing more engagement and connection with your child that positively impacts the entire family because everyone feels understood and accepted for the unique individuals they are. You feel a sense of gratitude for knowing that you and your child are simultaneously building confidence and self-acceptance, learning emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, and a deeper sense of empathy that brings the whole family together unlike ever before.
Connect with your Child through
Descriptive Praise & Reflective Listening
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Private Coaching
Reach new heights through empowerment coaching. My coaching approach is tailored to your unique needs and challenges. I will work with you to identify your values, strengths, and goals, and help you develop a personalized action plan to achieve them. I will also teach you techniques for building resilience, increasing self-awareness, and improving your communication skills, so that you can build stronger relationships with others.
You will learn to trust yourself, believe in your abilities, and embrace your unique qualities. You will also learn to manage your emotions in a healthy and constructive way, so that you can lead a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
“If you feel stuck in your business, life, health, etc., or all of the above, the coaching techniques that Lisa employs can really help you get moving in the right direction again. Since working with Lisa (in less than 6 months), my business volume has tripled, my relationships with my wife and kids have greatly improved, and I feel great.”

“I have absolutely loved Lisa’s Program! It is so eye-opening and a wonderful way to bring awareness into otherwise dark places in my life that I felt powerless to change! But with awareness comes choice and choice is the only thing that brings change! This has been life-changing! Thank you Lisa.”

Are you ready to transform your life?
Contact me today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about my coaching program.
Let's work together to help you become the best version of yourself.
Let's Be Real Podcast
Genuine Conversations for Authentic Living
Sondra Pariser, Health and Wellness Entrepreneur, and myself have teamed up to create the Let's Be Real Podcast. Our vision is to create a movement where you can boldly embrace your true self, build authentic connections, lead a more purposeful and harmonious life while learning the tools to navigate all the complexities of today's fast changing world. We hope you enjoy and gain many insights along the journey with us!
Also available on the following platforms:
Online Program
Roadmap to Self-Empowerment
Set free who you're destined to be and get on course to an empowered life with this powerful online program! The Roadmap to Self-Empowerment program includes 6 power-packed modules delivered by video and downloadable audios in your secure members area. They’re designed to ramp up your journey for rapid transformation by implementing key knowledge and new life skills as soon as you possibly can, with continued support along the way.
“Working with Lisa and her Roadmap to Self-Empowerment program enables you to get clear on what is really holding you back from reaching your goals. She helps you peel back your emotional layers which enables a tremendous amount of self-discovery. She also provides the insight and tools to live the life you truly desire.”

FREE E-Course:
The 3 “R”s Vital for Unleashing Your Pure Potential!
(and the 1 "R" holding you back)
Enter your information below:
Personality Assessment
Color Code Personality Science
Color Code personality science provides you with a framework to better understand yourself and those around you. By identifying your own Color Code and the colors of those you interact with, you can learn to adapt your communication and behavior in a way that is more effective and productive. Additionally, understanding the Color Codes of others can help you to appreciate and value differences, leading to more positive and fulfilling relationships.
“By attending Lisa’s workshop, I gained a lot more compassion for the other personality types. This makes it easier in allowing others to be who they are and make them feel free to be honest and open with me. It also gave me the motivation to work on my limitations to get back on track to moving forward with my life.”

“Lisa's presentation of the Color Code made it easy to gain the understanding of how to identify and interact with each of the personality types. I also realized that I have been stuck in a rut by not focusing on my core needs and wants. I now know what I need to do in order to achieve happiness within myself.”

Journey with an Angel
Engage in self-discovery that leads to spirit-discovery and the integration of divine influences that connect us all.
Do Angels Really Live Among Us? Do They Intercede for Us? If you’ve ever asked these questions, then this book may have the answers you’ve been seeking and more. Lisa shares transformational teachings she has learned and experienced along her journey.
“I just finished Journey with an Angel, and wow! I laughed, I cried, and I was truly moved throughout. The journey and information Lisa shares is enlightening and dynamic. It is propelling me to a whole new level of consciousness and vitality. She has opened my mind, my heart, and my spirit!”

“I was totally submerged in Lisa’s presentation. Her book, Journey with an Angel, gives us all hope that we are all here with a purpose. I now feel that I need to find my path, find my purpose and seek what I am here to do on this earth. Thank you for opening my eyes and helping me open my mind!”

Journey of Remembrance
A transformational meditation with your guardian angel. Experience a unique kind of meditation that speaks to you in a very personal way - bringing you and your guardian angel together to assist you in your life journey.
This is my gift to you. I hope you enjoy!